Throughout my life, I have carried the weight of insecurities and self-hatred with me, even into my forties. During my school years, I never felt like I fit in with the “cool” and thin girls, and society’s unrealistic beauty standards only made my struggles worse.
I have tried numerous diets, from unappetizing foods to dangerous prescription drugs and weight loss supplements, which only served to trap me in my own body and fill me with dread.
There were times when I even resorted to extreme measures like starvation, convinced it was the only way to escape the agony of my body. But each time, the weight returned, punishing me for daring to hope for a different life.
For the longest time, I thought my weight problems were predetermined by my genetics, and that I would be overweight forever.
…until a random visit to my family doctor turned my life upside down.
It was a dreadful Monday morning.
The excruciating nausea had persisted for two days, and my husband insisted on taking me to the doctor.
The waiting room seemed like an eternity, and my anxiety only grew as I stepped on the scale, the most dreadful part of any doctor’s visit for an overweight person like me. Finally, the nurse ushered me into the doctor’s office.
After ruling out the usual suspects, Dr. Turner suggested taking a pregnancy test.
I could sense that something was wrong from the expression on his face when he returned to the room.
“Lisa, congratulations,” he began, “it looks like you’re going to be a mother.”
My heart filled with joy and wonder, but my elation was short-lived.
“But, I’m concerned,” he continued. “That if you don’t lose your excess weight, there’s a strong chance you are going to lose your child.”
The news hit me like a ton of bricks.
I had never considered that my weight could cost me my first child. It was a devastating realization, and I couldn’t contain the flood of tears that followed.
As I shared the news with my husband, I was consumed by shame and fear.
I felt responsible for the possible loss of our child, and I was terrified of what might happen.
My husband, too, was overcome with emotion, and I realized that I had to find a way to lose weight quickly, or we might never have the family we dreamed of.
Tuesday, 2:35 PM I texted my big brother:
He called me and I shared what had happened with Tom. Like the good big brother he is, he calmed me down and asked if he could talk more in the next couple of day.
You see, in Tom’s day job, he works as a photojournalist and he travels the world to capture interesting photos from presidential inaugurations, celebrities at the Oscars to the world’s deadliest natural disasters… and just like me, he also had trouble getting rid of his excess weight.
Thursday, 1:23 AM, laying in bed trying to sleep when I hear a loud knock at the front door.
The sound was deafening, jolting my husband from his deep slumber.
He frantically grabbed the baseball bat by the dresser and stumbled towards the front door.
I threw on my robe and anxiously followed behind him. But to my surprise, it was Tom standing outside, looking exhausted yet exhilarated.
“You’re awake!” Tom exclaimed.
“What are you doing here?” I asked groggily.
Tom insisted we had to talk and couldn’t wait any longer.
He proceeded to divulge everything he had been up to for the past few months, from his near-death experience in the Amazon Rainforest to his discovery of a simple morning routine that helped him lose over 60 pounds.
As Tom spoke, I sat there in a daze, mouth agape, hanging onto his every word. And only then did I notice that Tom had lost a considerable amount of weight himself.
“Oh my goodness, you look… thin,” I uttered.
Tom’s eyes lit up as he explained that Primal Stress Syndrome was to blame for our weight issues and that his morning routine could finally end my struggle with weight loss.
He quickly jotted down the details for me to follow.
Although I was skeptical about the ease of the routine, I thanked Tom for his support and care. As we headed back to bed, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of desperation and willingness to try anything.
The next morning, I woke up with a newfound determination and completed the routine.
It all seemed too good to be true, but I was willing to take the risk.
Tom had proven that it worked, and he had beaten our genes, so maybe it could work for me too.
Since I started the morning routine, here are the SHOCKING results I experienced that I will always consider a true miracle:
- My weight dropped like a brick from 210 lbs to 157 lbs in just under 5 months. My husband and I no longer had to worry about delivery issues with our baby. I’m happy to say we had a healthy, happy baby girl named Page and we couldn’t be more blessed!
- I have since lost an additional 27 lbs (80 pounds total)! This was over the course of just one year. It was far easier than I expected, I never once felt hungry and I’ve not gained back any of the weight since.
- I just had my 40th birthday and, I feel as healthy and energetic as I did in my 20’s. Keeping up with children would have been impossible for me at my previous weight!
- My extreme fatigue and dramatic mood swings have disappeared and my creativity and “zest for life” have come roaring back just in time to welcome a new member into our family. I truly couldn’t feel happier.
Since then, something else amazing has happened and it’s the main reason I’m sitting at my desk writing this letter now.
My brother is an amazing person who is not only brilliant but also a natural teacher with a big heart. Our lives had been changed so much by Tom’s breakthrough discovery that we encouraged him to share his morning routine with women everywhere.
Tom has since quit his day job and made it his personal mission in life to share his healthy weight loss discovery with women all across the world.
If you’re a woman who has struggled with weight loss, you owe it to yourself to watch my brother’s presentation which you can find right here.
Turn up your speakers and click the play button to watch now.
Click here now to watch the video
I really hope it has the same impact on you as it did on me. Because the information you’re about to learn has literally saved my life.
– Lisa